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Get cash from your website. Sign up as affiliate.

Refer one person , You get $3 USD

Here Google Adsense money income Method

Google Adsense is a very Good Income Method.

How to : below detail

1. Just Begin your money spinning keywords.

This mean you have to focus with keywords that pay you big time per click. It's quite 
logical, since it is far profitable to display ads with high payment to get bigger income.

2. You must expand your keywords and then make a narrow them!  Why? Because with  the high-paid 
keywords, there are a lot of competition out there. However, specific tools are needed.

3. You must now how to side-step the competition and make money from niches that are wide open!

4. Avoid playing the messy Search Engine Optimization games

5. Build hundreds of pages so that every page unique!

6. Make all your pages beautiful so that they look like a true "home grown" website. 
This involves importing and exporting...

7. Get tons of links, traffic and search engine spiders to your site so that it gets indexed and you get traffic as quickly as possible.

There are lots of job to do to follow these steps. Well, it is not easy to make money. 

But if you do follow these steps, you will find your self out of competition and join the winner's club.